

  • I’m headed to two conferences shortly- EdCampBoston, and Nercomp. EdCampBoston is March 11th, and Nercomp is March 28th and 29th. I haven’t been to a proper conference in a while, so it’ll be good to see some people and get myself exposed to new ideas. And be social, I suppose.
  • Parts list for the two bookcases I need to build are growing- starting to work on cut lists, too, so when the weather turns and I can get working it’s a draw-the-lines-and-cut instead of standing around mumbling and muttering.
  • Working on finding a receiver hitch for my car. I’m planning on keeping the car another 2-3 years, so in the meantime it’d be useful to be able to carry a bike (or two…) with me. I’d like to be able to stick a 2″ hitch on there, but all the hitches built for my car are 1.25″, so… it might be roof-rack time. We’ll see, I suppose.
  • I’m trying to get myself to start shooting more video again. Right now, the aim would be to practice visually telling stories, but there are one or two projects hanging in the wings that’d make use of some of these things, so it’d be good to not be out of practice if those ramp up. For the short term, I’ll likely start again with my phone, but it’d be good to get the bigger camera out again too.


Things going on:

  • Happy Shiny People (my divergent thinking focused education newsletter) #73 should go out some time this week. Sign up here. They come out once a week(ish), and they’re usually three or four cool things with a bit of perspective and commentary on each.
  • My home office is in v3.0 right now- that’s 6 monitors across three computers. I’m not sold on some of the mounting/monitor options, but right now it’s about proof of concept and not final product. I’ve got some lovely light stands I’m using, but I’d been considering (finally) getting a couple of c-stands for this sort of thing.
  • I have a growing pile of building projects stacking up, but I’m stalled because of the weather. All/most of them require wood finishing and painting, and it’s too cold here for that right now. Time to refine the designs, I suppose.
  • Progress on the shoulder bag (NF-P-126). I’ve got most of the basic construction figured out (mesh over foam rear panel, MOLLE panel, internal dividers, etc), and so it’s just a matter of sorting out some of the hardware and making time to actually sew. Also need to sort out the (more elaborate than typical of me) strap system.
  • I’m going to EdCamp Boston this year- got my ticket and everything! March 11th, Burlington MA (at the Microsoft offices there). Grab a ticket quick, as they’re nearly sold out already…


I’ve been nearly dead for two weeks with illness, but let’s do this.

  • Shoulder bag project is stalled while I mumble around looking for the right choices in fasteners and how to properly do labelling. It’s not a super-high priority for me, but it’s always frustrating when a project limps along like this.
  • Home office computer setup is back up to four monitors- two on the main computer, and one more (each) on some side computers doing dedicated tasks. I’m not overly happy with the mounting of any of it (yet), but right now it’s mostly there for proof of concept. Also: need to buy another USB2.0 hub. I do need to (better) deal with power management there.
  • HSP#72 is in draft, but I’m still digging through looking for content. For some reason, finding happy wonderful things to talk about has seemed somewhat more difficult in the last week or so. Can’t think why that might be.
  • Re-watched Mad Max: Fury Road (Nuxx Edit) last night. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a fan-edit of the theatrical film. The dialog’s all been removed (though the music remains), and the color has been shifted to “black and chrome.” Before you think that some hack just desaturated the thing, understand this was done with more care than that- it’s a proper transfer (with all the depth and tone that implies). A great watch. There’s also a B&W transfer of Raiders of the Lost Ark that Soderbergh did a couple of years ago that’s worth watching, too.
  • Again, I’ve been sick, so I’ve been watching a bit more content. Including (but likely not limited to, as my memory is not to be trusted…) Taboo (FX), Haywire, Mad Max: Fury Road (Nuxx Edit), and some West Wing. Reading The Devil in the White City (currently), with a couple more on deck after that.
  • I’m (slowly) gearing up for a garage overhaul. I made major progress this fall, but now that I’ve lived with it for a bit, I’m seeing areas where I can make meaningful improvements. Starting to amass the supplies so that when the weather permits, I’ll be able to spring into action.
  • I’ve got a rudimentary braising setup now, so I’ve gathered some materials to start practicing. I’ve some good ideas for small useful projects in the meantime, but it’ll be good to be able to join metal for some larger upcoming projects.


Oh, hello. It’s a new year and whatnot, and about time I update the four people that read this. Here’s what I’m up to:

  • My first brazing experiment (with aluminum!) went well enough that child #1 has a front rack for her 20″ wheeled bike. All it needs now is a basket mounted to it, and she’s ready to haul her own treasures. This is, technically, my first made item of 2017 (S/N 2017:001A)
  • Speaking of serial numbers, I’ve started a spreadsheet to track everything I build for this year- a place for a picture, the serial number, and a text description of what the item is (or does, or whatever). Seemed like a good idea.
  • I finally got around to the first round of modifications to a trench coat I bought a while ago. Fit in the sleeves and upper body was taken in, and an integrated shoulder strap was installed (to carry the coat bag-style when you’re not wearing it). More to go here (re-bagging the pockets, headphone mounts, etc etc etc.
  • Built out a new scarf for my better half- simple cotton flannel, but sized for her needs and in a really lovely weave.
  • Built a new scarf for myself. It’s a further exploration in the vein of ACRONYM or 1K Corp or CAV EMPT or the like. As a result, it’s a bit cyperpunk-y (is that still a word?), and it’s got some neat features.  I’m not entirely sure about the final dimensions, but so far I really like it. Works with my new coat, too.
  • Starting work on a new shoulder bag. It’ll be in the same-ish vein as my backpack (or, indeed, the above-mentioned 3A 5TS), and should give me something I can wear that works better with structured shoulders, and lets me change up the carry from time to time. I’ll be making it from the same coated 500d Codura outer as the backpack, but I’m still working on features and linings and whatnot. Finally got settled on the back panel construction, though. Progress!

Lots more on the lists, but I’m trying not to write about things that aren’t (at least) in progress yet.


What’s currently going on:

  • I have a new blog up and running that’s specific to cycling stuff for me. I figured most readers here would be more interested in the educational stuff (or whatever), and that keeping the bike stuff separate would be a good idea. All further bike related stuff there.
  • I’ve been writing every morning now for almost a month- and I’ve been putting in something like 250-300 words each time. That means I’ve logged 9000 words of reflection and anticipation. So far I like the feeling- I go into the day feeling considerably more equipped and centered, but now I think I’m on to the next thing: fiction. Right? That’s the next move here, I think.
  • Newsletter #71 is in progress. Still collecting the goodies, but that’s just a matter of time.


Ah, time for another one of these:

  • Settling into a bike choice, it seems. 26″ wheels (because it’s what I have/know/love), hardtail, steel. Sticking with my initial thinking that all I really want is steel/rear disc brake/more tire clearance. Currently researching rear axle standards (9×135 vs 12×142)
  • Working on the logo more, and once I finalize it, having some patches made. Not settled yet, but thinking currently about embroidered (compared to PVC or printed vinyl)
  • The new car spreadsheet grows- I’ve opted to keep all my options open, and include everything relevant on the sheet, and I’ll narrow down from there. Anything with three rows of seats right now. I’ve got fields for MPG, cost/mile to operate, max hitch tongue weight, wheels driven, and desirable years/variants.
  • Studio 3.0 organization is under way- slowly and surely things are finding homes, storage is being purchased/built, and workflow utopia lies ahead (surely!).


Hi all:

  • Working on a new logo/video version of said logo. I’m not a designer nor animator, so… yeah. Slow.
  • New bike frame. Early, early stages here. Currently have developed the ugliest spreadsheet in the world to manage the project. Was going to be a (mostly) entirely new bike, now looks more like a new frame with (mostly) existing parts. I’d thought I’d be into moving from my “dated” 26″ wheels to the new-school 27.5+”, but as it turns out I mostly want a rear disk brake and some fatter tire clearance. And wider handlebars, too. I’ll post up more info as I start narrowing things down.
  • Sewing: I’ve got a pair of pants nearly full disassembled for patterning- but this is a road I’ve never really gone down before. Could take a while.
  • A new shelf system going into the house to help accommodate the glut of books we own. It’ll be partner to the larger instal we did in our dining room/library here.


Trying to do these more often.


  • Wireless multi-monitor options
  • Cars with third row seating
  • Commonplace books (via Patrick Rhone)
  • Sewing Trousers (this is wildly ambitious)
  • Alternative PLEX hosting (via custom NAS?)
  • Potential USB3 to DVI video outputs
  • Sourcing better 100% wool felt sheets


Oh, summer, where have you gone?


    • Custom rack mounting rails (parts built, assembly needed)
    • Hard disk storage & rack mounts
    • Seam-sealing coated Codura 500d
    • Human Epigenetic shifts
    • Patterning hooded sweatshirts
    • Shoe midsole foam sourcing (fiber-impregnated EPA foam?)
    • Large scale re-positionable VESA monitor mounts (via 80/20 extrusion?)
    • Backpack (NF-P-815) v2.0 (full post on this coming soon)
    • Broadcast DVR via Plex & Internet enabled tuner (beta)





  • External GPU chassis options
  • Highly efficient cd & dvd ripping program
    • multiple dvd drives
    • queued rips
  • Better personal digital dashboard options
  • Reconfiguration of my home studio office
  • Better modular project storage
  • Flat file storage & art archive
  • Hand-wired Mechanical Keyboard firmware development
  • Rack mounted hard drive storage