SatChat reflections.

I ended up on twitter on a Saturday morning a few weeks ago (which is a much less common occurrence than it once was…), and found myself tweeting on the #satchat hashtag for a few minutes. A couple of things I noticed about that:

  1. I was really happy to see #satchat up and running still- it was one of my favorites when I was doing that sort of thing a lot, and it made me happy those good people are still fighting the fight.
  2. I was less happy that some of the topics were still up for debate. This particular week was about the value (or not) of homework, and I was kinda bummed out. That is, for me anyway, a settled topic. The research is clear. I’m not sure why we’re still having that conversation.
  3. I can still say things that seem to resonate with people. I’ve been out of the K12 world for couple of years now, and I had started to worry if my fire was still burning (internally, of course) on some of those issues. It is.

I can’t commit to doing #satchat with any degree of consistency- I’ve got my own (small) children to manage, and Saturday morning can be a… fraught… time. Regardless: it was good to poke my head back in and see that some of my ideas, opinions, and views still seem to fit into the K12 conversation.


What’s currently going on:

  • I have a new blog up and running that’s specific to cycling stuff for me. I figured most readers here would be more interested in the educational stuff (or whatever), and that keeping the bike stuff separate would be a good idea. All further bike related stuff there.
  • I’ve been writing every morning now for almost a month- and I’ve been putting in something like 250-300 words each time. That means I’ve logged 9000 words of reflection and anticipation. So far I like the feeling- I go into the day feeling considerably more equipped and centered, but now I think I’m on to the next thing: fiction. Right? That’s the next move here, I think.
  • Newsletter #71 is in progress. Still collecting the goodies, but that’s just a matter of time.